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How We Work

Discover our proven process to ensure your project is completed on time and on budget.

Step 1

Discovery and Analysis

We engage with you in this first phase to understand your company's goals and objectives, as well as the demands and preferences of your target audience. We also examine your current website or digital presence, if you have one, to find opportunities for improvement.

Step 2

Planning and Strategy

Based on the insights gathered during the discovery and analysis phase, we develop a detailed plan and strategy for your web development project. This includes defining the site architecture, layout, and features, as well as determining the timeline and budget.

Step 3

Design and Development

Our team begins the design and development process once the plan and strategy are finalised. Creating wireframes and mockups to visualise the site's layout and user experience, as well as building the site utilising the newest web technologies and best practises, are all part of this process.

Step 4

Testing and Quality Assurance

We undergo extensive testing and quality assurance before launching the site to guarantee that it fulfils all performance, security, and accessibility criteria. This includes browser and device compatibility, load times, and functionality testing.

Step 5

Launch and Maintenance

Finally, we launch the site and give ongoing maintenance and support to guarantee that it performs optimally. Monitoring performance indicators, upgrading material and features as needed, and fixing any issues that may occur over time are all part of this.